🍀PBP News #6 | Create your Personal Business Plan as an eBook
Dear friend, It’s been a while since you heard from us… Now we’re picking up on our newsletter again. Today’s newsletter is about big things and small: Your own Pe...
You enter a state of Relaxed Readiness, which enables you to act without great effort. You feel as if your reservoirs have been replenished – as if you have been re-energized from within.
I try to live my life in terms of a GPS – always looking forward. As you know, a GPS, through the handling of Big Data, exactly understands, where I’m at and exactly knows, how to get to where I’m going. A GPS always:
Well, to be honest, the last point may not always be entirely representative of my behavior!
I try to live my life in terms of a GPS – always looking forward.
One amongst many existential challenges is to be proactively challenging. Do you devote more than 50% of your time to the future? That’s where all the exciting stuff is going to happen! And actually it is not only a question of your time spent, but it is also about the object of your mental energy. Do you tend to think in terms of past limitations or in terms of future opportunities?
In my opinion, too much time is spent dwelling on the past and ruminating past experiences. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. It simply depends on the memories you choose to focus on. We can all recollect a ton of positive memorable moments – if we choose to. The actor Halle Berry puts it this way: “My mother helped me identify myself the way the world would identify me. Bloodlines didn’t matter as much as how I would be perceived.” She transformed herself from a very tough childhood to global stardom.
Existence is about choice. And this is one of your fundamental choices in life. It is a question of your inner dialogue – whether it is directed towards your past or towards your future. Trusting in your own capability to influence the future gives you peace of mind. You are the only one in charge. You need to step into character and put up some challenging personal goals that can energize you. And all my work is about helping you identify your Life Ambition, transform your perspective, and experience exceptional life quality.
The Personal Business Plan empowers you to make informed life choices. You can always deviate from your plan but at least you have established a path that leads to your Life Ambition. And it is not that hard. You have all the rest of your life to achieve it!
Dear friend, It’s been a while since you heard from us… Now we’re picking up on our newsletter again. Today’s newsletter is about big things and small: Your own Pe...
Do you want to know, how it is to live in the White House? (At the end of this article, you’ll find some fun facts and private comments). Last summer, I was asked to hel...
You need to find your best coping strategy through this COVID-19 pandemic. My recommendation is to anchor yourself firmly in the future. Protecting your present while bu...
TRANSITIONS: What Is Their Impact on You? And What Types of Transition Do We All Go Through? On April 2, 2019, The Personal Business Plan hosted our second Summit M...
What Happened in France? Luckily, I was in France, when the French team won the World Cup in soccer in July 2018. And what a party! All of a sudden everyone hugged each ...
Dear friend, We’re on the brink of 2019. It’s time for annual reflection: What to continue, what to do differently What matters, what doesn’t (or shouldn’t) matter Basi...
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