🍀PBP News #6 | Create your Personal Business Plan as an eBook
Dear friend, It’s been a while since you heard from us… Now we’re picking up on our newsletter again. Today’s newsletter is about big things and small: Your own Pe...
Recently, Stephen had the chance to chat with John Travolta.
In their conversation, John Travolta shares how he has reinvented himself several times, professionally as well as personally.
John Travolta talks about reinvention as an actor, as a pilot, and as a husband.
Reinvention has always happened organically to him. The crux of the matter is passion, to have a tremendous affinity for the thing you want to deliver, the valuable final product for somebody.
By Stephen Bruyant-Langer
Dear friend, It’s been a while since you heard from us… Now we’re picking up on our newsletter again. Today’s newsletter is about big things and small: Your own Pe...
Do you want to know, how it is to live in the White House? (At the end of this article, you’ll find some fun facts and private comments). Last summer, I was asked to hel...
You need to find your best coping strategy through this COVID-19 pandemic. My recommendation is to anchor yourself firmly in the future. Protecting your present while bu...
TRANSITIONS: What Is Their Impact on You? And What Types of Transition Do We All Go Through? On April 2, 2019, The Personal Business Plan hosted our second Summit M...
What Happened in France? Luckily, I was in France, when the French team won the World Cup in soccer in July 2018. And what a party! All of a sudden everyone hugged each ...
Dear friend, We’re on the brink of 2019. It’s time for annual reflection: What to continue, what to do differently What matters, what doesn’t (or shouldn’t) matter Basi...
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