🍀PBP News #6 | Create your Personal Business Plan as an eBook
Dear friend, It’s been a while since you heard from us… Now we’re picking up on our newsletter again. Today’s newsletter is about big things and small: Your own Pe...
I’m really proud to present our online Personal Business Plan system.
Sign up for a free trial at The Personal Business Plan and see for yourself – you’re going to love it.
This is a blog post, not an advertisement, so I’ll tell you the whole story from my end.
To begin with, here is a picture of Stephen and me in front of the Blue Ridge Mountains!
Stephen and I met at a party back in 1981, when we were 20-22 years old. We hit it off and went on to build a family with 4 children alongside dual careers in marketing and law. Life was good – and very hectic at times.
Over the years, we developed a mutual philosophy of
We lived our lives, performed our work, and raised our children in this spirit.
We had our ups and downs, exactly as should be.
One particular down gave rise to a new beginning. It became the beginning of The Personal Business Plan.
In 1996, after 15 years in the fast track, Stephen was fired as Marketing Director from Coca-Cola. Finding himself out of a job with a wife (me!) and 4 young children and all obligations that go with it, he needed to change direction in life. So, what did he do? He applied his marketing skills, looked at himself as a product, analyzed his capabilities, his values, and dreams in life – and he made a plan.
He called it his Personal Business Plan because that’s what it was: a plan covering his entire life, personal as well as professional, built as a business plan, similar to those plans he had made so many of during his 15 years in corporate life.
Stephen changed paths and went on to become a successful headhunter and executive coach. His new start was in a business psychology boutique, where he gained a professional understanding of human behavior. Later, he went on to major executive search companies.
I still believe this is the best thing to happen in our marriage! For the benefit of everyone, Stephen transitioned from preferring the impersonal and materialistic marketing of the 80’ies to appreciating the value of profound personal relationships, a value on the rise in the 90’ies.
Stephen quickly discovered that most people, clients as well as candidates, wanted and needed to reflect on their personal development. Every single one was looking to live his or her life as one complete whole, to make ends meet between personal and professional, between results and relationships, between finances and feelings.
The Personal Business Plan turned out to be an excellent system to guide people to personal clarification and a distinct direction. It is structured, it is motivating, and it guarantees that no stone is left unturned…
The Personal Business Plan builds on all the elements of our mutual life philosophy: ambition, curiosity, quality, love, consistency, etc. It’s not rocket science, it’s quite factual and implementable – and we know it works because we live it ourselves!
So, in his interviews and coaching of thousands of people over the past 20+ years, Stephen always applied The Personal Business Plan system with great success. He developed and perfected it further, of course, as he went along.
Stephen also felt an urge to document the system and the philosophy behind it, based on loads of experience he had gained from working with The Personal Business Plan with all kinds of different people.
In 2013, he wrote The Personal Business Plan: A blueprint for running your life (Wiley). It is a highly successful leadership book. It takes the reader through the Personal Business Plan system in its 10 sessions with a multitude of detailed exercises and examples.
The year before, in 2012, Stephen’s first book Your Next Career – The Headhunter’s Guide to Lifelong Success (Din næste karriere: En headhunters guide til livslang succes) (Lindhardt & Ringhof) had come out in Danish. It is a very popular leadership book in Denmark, our home country.
Now, while all this was going on, I continued my corporate career in law, tax, HR, risk management, etc. And Stephen and I ran our home together, of course. Life was very demanding and very satisfying. We were busy!
As our four children grew and started leaving home, one-by-one, we saw to our immense happiness that they are all able to lead good lives on their own. They can do without us! This gave us more time to think about our own next step in life and more freedom to choose.
We truly believe that our life philosophy – as synthesized and made operational in The Personal Business Plan – is the reason for the good life, we are fortunate to be living. Our philosophy provides us with the wish to change, the courage to try, the stamina to continue, the strength to overcome obstacles, and the fulfillment of success.
In 2014, Stephen and I decided to dedicate ourselves full time to making The Personal Business Plan accessible for everyone. We wanted to be entrepreneurs. We left our corporate jobs, experiencing an incredible feeling of freedom from no longer having bosses to follow or children to provide for. We find ourselves to be sensible risk-takers at a mature age.
Now is September 2017.
Over the past three years, Stephen has been building our executive coaching and speaking business. I know I’m positively biased towards him, but he really is exceptionally good at what he does!
During those same years, we’ve teamed up with some very fine coaching partners around the world, whom we’ve certified as Personal Business Plan Partners.
They are also very good at what they do! We are happy and proud that they will work with us.
I have been transforming The Personal Business Plan into a platform of 40 online exercises. It’s a user-friendly and cost-effective alternative to Stephen’s personal coaching sessions.
It’s been an awesome journey for me, and it’s not over. I’m loving (almost) every step of it:
The Personal Business Plan is ready for you now. Try it out. Give it time. Put an effort into it.
Don’t doubt it for a minute – you will be rewarded! I know because I’ve put two and a half years into creating it.
Stephen and I believe we’ve created the ultimate personal coach, at your disposal 24/7, for you to complete at the time and speed that suits you specifically.
Do it on your own or reap the ultimate benefit by doing it with a certified PBP coach.
Enjoy the ride.
By Mette Bruyant-Langer
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